Monday, May 25, 2009, 12:33 PM

Anti-drug Commercial

Sunday, May 24, 2009, 8:08 PM


The results of our poll showed that most of the students of Druga gimnazija Sarajevo are against drug legalization. But it also showed that 68% of them consumed or still consumes drugs (let's not forget that alcohol and nicotine are also drugs), which is alarming.

We think that legalization of light drugs could be good, but of heavy drugs? No. That should not be allowed not in the near future nor ever.

, 7:31 PM

Drug Legalization

Drug legalization is a big controversy. Some people think only certain drugs should be legalized, some people think all drugs should be legalized while some other people think no drugs should be legalized.
Those people that are for drug legalization argue that with legalizing drugs crime will be reduced. That might be true, but not necessarily. Even with drug legalization, the drug black market will exist.
Another argument is that drugs are an individual's choice, but still that would be like giving alcohol and a car to a rebellious teenager. The consequences could be fatal.

, 7:07 PM

Light drugs

Light drugs is a controversial term. They generally cause less overdoses and deaths. If there is a case of psychological addiction, it is not as hard as it is compared to heavy drugs.

Light drugs:
Psilocybin mushrooms (known as only mushrooms)
LSD (this is heavily disputed though)

, 6:45 PM

Heavy drugs

Heavy drugs are those drugs that cause physical and psychological addiction and that pose serious health risks. Most of these drugs are illegal, but some can be easily purchased.

Heavy drugs:
Methamphetamine (known as crystal meth)

, 4:42 PM


There are two types of drugs: heavy and light. Sometimes they are also called hard and soft.
There are a lot of controversies towards the term "light drug" because it implies that no real damage is caused by those kind of drugs.
The distinction between these types of drugs is important for the Drug Policy of Netherlands.

This is a blog made only for educational purposes.
We are four students from Druga gimnazija Sarajevo.
We hope you enjoy your stay here.


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May 2009

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